Do Rimming Girls Dream of Electric Sheep? (6:08)

Fap selected by Gonzo the Dec 4 2018

Gimme an R, gimme an I, gimme an M! Good now gimme all your clothes! There is a new sheriff in our 2.0 town, a rising star of a new studio: Girls Rimming. It is obviously everything you would expect – rimjobs aplenty and tongues swirling clockwise and counterclockwise, buns shaking from the shared thrills of excitement and sweet, sweet submission. It’s an all-you-can-eat caesar salad and starfish buffet with endless lust-gravy.

Fun fact: we at FapCurators decided to create our website (the French one, 8 years ago) because of rimming. Back then we took a bet that the tag would become a porn category in its own right. And lo and behold it now is! That’s when we realized we were actual tag experts and should share our keen eye with the world! True story! Kinda. Like, 70% of it.

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